Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Good things happen to those who hustle.

I would take him back. I'd never have lost him, though. Damn, I love Pete Doherty.

And then I read this:
"I honestly feel that if I never had sex, I would still feel happy and fulfilled." Which could only be said by a 27 year old virgin. And I suppose, if you don't know what you're missing, you can't miss it. That logic seems kind of boring, though, but that article is reallyyyy something.

On a side note, today's my last day in New York. i'll miss it more than i ever expected. Been reading a lot of Anais Nin, lately, too. At lulls in the day. Clearly, this is not a good practice for those apt to strong location bonding.

Monday, July 30, 2007

big baby jesus.

the future of hip hop is white people. in cargo shorts. who bought wu-tang albums to feel cool way back when. and probably like to go off on how great phish is, too.

I personally suggest everyone read Miles Davis's autobiography. He talks about the same thing happening to jazz ... suddenly, when white people buy it, it becomes legit. The thing is, all that stuff was cool back in the 90s. Just everyone had their heads up their asses. Gentrification of genre.

Sunday, July 29, 2007

pinot + piano

I have a lot of things to say today, but I think I'm gonna save them for a little later.

watch dave matthews and tim reynolds, instead, please. What do I think? Glad you asked. I think those lyrics are weak. I think the guitar playing was good, not as mind blowing as it could have been. Tim Reynolds, obviously, is always impressive. But Dave Matthews really needs to step it up. His voice, too. I need that soul, Dave. Give me soul? Where did it go? Maybe I didn't listen hard enough?

Oh and last night I saw Jean Michel Pilc. He was wonderful. Really, it was a sweet show, I couldn't take the smile off of my face. His playing went from "Sesame street" and charlie brown delight to really dark and stormy (does that make sense?). extremes. Just like what you get from living in New York. And I'll credit that thought to my new friend Anthony Ina, who gets MVP for best conversationalist I may know in the city.

Friday, July 27, 2007

santi moix is the man for me.

Stuff and things to fill your TIME (get it, like the magazine? which is where most of this shit came from because they were on a ROLL):

Time magazine thinks BOYS have it rough. I know a handful of feminists who would claw their faces off for that. Also, that opening photo made me feel weird.

Also thinks ... Fat people are contagious. And they're dumb. Seriously.

--I am convinced that it has less to do with fitting in and more to do with obesity's link to the lower income bracket. But what do I know?

Best headline ever. Also -- J.K. Rowling is really just J. Rowling? MIND FREAK!

and speaking of mind freaks ...
Am I gonna be a crazy cat lady? sitting at my window and applying makeup all day? wearing animal print and white gloves? all because I like to get high and watch criss angel on youtube? and laugh and laugh?

And laugh all the way to sant tropez or the french riviera with BONO AND HIS HONEYS?

and lastly, a word of good spirit to all of those who know what it's like to edit. I salute you. Actually, Gary Kamiya salutes you. I just agree with him!

Thursday, July 26, 2007

"You must feel so good about yourself to have all these things!"

NYT tells me there's a witch of a girl who's ruining the grammar of privileged American children (I say privileged, because, face it, the NYT wouldn't cover the problem unless it had something to do with the richies. The only time we see anything about the poors and reading is when it's discovered that they're either really stupid and can't pass state tests, or are surprisingly passing those said state tests. but I digress) Considering I don't have a child, this may not seem relevant. But I loved this quote from this little girl:

“My dad doesn’t like the grammar,” said the Bartells’s youngest, Mollie, 9. “And I guess that’s important, because maybe when you grow up and you’re at work and you say, ‘I runned,’ people will get annoyed at you.”

Girl's got a point. I hate people with bad grammar. But I have a sneaking suspicion that a good dose of kiddie lit, even with bad grammar, doesn't hurt. As long as elsewhere, the kid hears the correct usage of the word. No?

The girl said something else funny, too.

“I’m also not allowed to watch R-rated movies, but nobody is these days.”

I love when kids use phrases like "these days." Phrases they no doubt get from their annoying parents who won't let them indulge. Let the kids see boobs! Let the kids hear swears! Cause face it, they're gonna see it anyway.

Side note: the title quote is taken from "La Dolce Musto" this week. Said by Chita Rivera.

Monday, July 23, 2007

there's a BIRD in her HAIR!

I'm sick. So sick that I couldn't even really make it out of bed all day. Only to make tea and talk to my best friend on the phone. And my dad. He sent me a text message today, by the way. cute.

Anyway, I missed the documentary on Tom Zé that was playing at the MoMA today. Damn. Tom Zé is Brazilian. He's CRAZY and I love him and I'm bummed about missing it. He's on Luaka Bop, David Byrne's cute little side thing. I never really thought I was cool enough to be a full out Talking Heads, or David Byrne, afficionada. But everything I've heard on that label is great. Including Nouvelle Vague — ridiculous, yes, but good, that too. Luaka Bop has a free podcast, you should check it out.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

put your hands up for detroit~!

The Wall Street Journal called out some BRATZ. And I didn't wear a bra to work today (FUN! WOmen's lib!). And for the second time this week, my internship included a bonus cupcake upon reaching the afternoon.

I wish it weren't pretentious to speak italian in an italian restaurant.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

pleated shorts.

Take a few minutes to read this article on 'New-Vics' in the New York Oberver. It's a week old, but I just got wise to it now. Sadly.

Okay, so it's a little pretentious to dub a new trend with a catchy little moniker. But Lizzy Ratner made really great, interesting points that kept me talking and conversing with a friend all night. I know plenty of new-vics, but I was especially curious as to WHY they became this way, not just that they exist.

If you have any comments, send them my way. I'm curious.

and enjoy the sunny, pretty day.

Saturday, July 14, 2007

peach iced tea. you're gonna hate it.

surely, if the NYT would just hire me already, I'd have been deployed (employed) to write this article.

FYI weekend roundup:
The best cure is less democracy. from the New Yorker, books.

I love Ungawa by San Francisco band, CHOWNASTY. KEXP gave me two songs by the band in the last few weeks, which probably indicates that I'm way behind in my decision that they should be rockin' everyone's faces off!!! (by the time KEXP gives it out, all indie music heads are already turning their noses down at it, all "MAYBE A FEW WEEKS AGO i liked those guys! paw shawwwwww"). Anyboo I think they're mighty fun, maybe you will too?

And, uh, you wouldn't want to miss this. At least not that opening photo.

ONE LAST QUESTION ... does anyone understand this?

Friday, July 13, 2007

swiffer and me and a bottle of pledge make 3

If this is true I will be very sad. I don't care if my friend Clair wrote a long essay criticizing Jane for being anti-femministe. Jane gave my apartment 69 great things about being in your 20's, plus 7 that really suck. RIP :(, my excuses for being a whore.

Last night I got too lazy to see Ben Greenman, so I saw Jerry Stahl in Union Square instead. I liked him mostly because he gave the interviewer, Katherine Lanpher, a hard time. I didn't like her much, she's the kind of woman whose jokes you'd laugh at out of pity. Big smile, well done make up. Short, no fuss, hair. With highlights. She'd make horrible jokes and he'd just look at her like she was a stupid idiot. I laughed out loud numerous times, just at the guy's facial expressions. Ran into him about an hour afterward and thanked him for making me laugh. Didn't buy any of his books, though. Young & poor.

Teddy Thompson played alongside him. He's got the voice of an angel. He's this charming brit, who wore flip flops with a nice suit and had an orange tie. He was cute and his voice could have lulled me all night. If you like old country, you should buy his new CD. I bet you'll love it.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

kickin' ass and takin' names.

Two things.

First, check out this thang in the Voice about the re-release of Manhattan. I don't even really know why I read the Voice anymore. Usually it's at the bottom of my list of blogs/sites to read, cause I think it's boring and un-funny. But I liked reading this. For the record, I'm on the side that loves the stylized Manhattan. Actually hanging out here makes me realize it's stylized, but it's fun to dream that once, long ago, it was teeming with Woody Allens, sarcasm, ladies like Diane Keaton (or Mary, or Annie Hall). You know?

And Second, I tried to say in my last post that I don't much care for people who mock the people's republic of Harry Potter. Probably, those people are just lazy. Or out of touch with their inner child.

One thing I will admit to: the possibility that many people view the stuff as kiddie porn. ferreeeaaallzzz. Scroll down on that page to see Harry Potter in leather. With nothing under it. Suspicious, Details. Very suspicious.

bonus opinion: the word ginormous is stupid. And I hope this new change doesn't encourage its use.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Is there an ECO in here?

The new Harry Potter was FREAKING AWESOME. Shove off if you're going to try to convince me otherwise. There's a reason those books and movies are huge. It's because they're the best thing that happened to kids lit since Shel Silverstein. That's a fact.

I love those movies. I really do. The sets, the effects, the imagination! They're just about everything one can ask for in a movie. A big screen summer movie. Really!! When big V battles Dumbley-door at the end ... and the fire snake attacks! I was giggling like a kid. The villain in this one, UMBRIDGE, was extra hate-able. Especially since she looked like Laura Bush. WEIRD! Liberals! GAH!

Another thang. Seeing movies by yourself is fun. There were a lot of loners there, too. Including hot doctor guy in scrubs. He was probably just a resident of sorts, but it was charming to see a handful of twenty-somes, like myself, take the time out to see HP. I enjoyed the experience. And 11 year olds smell. The one sitting next to me had a nice enough disposition but smelled like stale.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

iced coffee and hot sweat

So, what if every time you dropped the ball on the job, you were executed?! OKAY, so maybe he didn't just drop the ball. But still. Our government officials are quite lucky not to be in China, eh? Am I right? Yeah? NO? nothing? okay.

Also in the TIMES ... New Jersey is stealing your money.* tee hee.

But in lighter thoughts, I pose a predicament.
KMF: Steve Jobs, Mark Zuckerberg, Bob Iger.

Ben Greenman's reading excerpts from "A Circle is a Balloon and Compass Both" at Barnes and Noble in Park Slope on July 12. It's about time I went down thattaway, but I feel very confused by all the neighborhoods in Brooklyn. Who knows.

lastly ... I lost my metrocard last night, I talk loudly on subways and really don't mean to, and the strap on my favorite dress broke on the way home today. I was on the A train, for reasons that are stupid and inconsequential, and there were two super-cute-button-down-business-casual (love affair with complex modified adjectives) guys right in front of me as I walked on. I couldn't even try to be flirty. One boob was basically exposed, the other covered in my pink ruffled dress, and as I searched frantically for somewhere to grab on, the men looked right at me. I looked back, thinking maybe I could pull off flashing a smile and they'd say something like "hot enough?" and I'd be like "haha, yeah, i know, right? it's rough out there" and then we'd laugh. Instead, I felt sweat pooling in my clavicle. and it wasn't sexy at all. ashamed, and defeated, I stepped between a Chinese couple and mopped it up with my hair.
the life i live.

*I read that article, by the way. I realize it's about the way technology changes our lives, obviously. but it's way funnier when you can blame it on DURTY JERZ.

Sunday, July 8, 2007

andy was the DJ and sean was the limo driver

Okay, Steve Jobs, you win. I'm talking about the song "Perfect Timing (This Morning)" by Orba Squara.

Not ONLY do I own the computer, but now I have the iPhone song to play on it. And when I want to waltz down the street to its delightfulness, I can play it on my iPod.

LoLz all tha waze 2 tha bahnk.