Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Is there an ECO in here?

The new Harry Potter was FREAKING AWESOME. Shove off if you're going to try to convince me otherwise. There's a reason those books and movies are huge. It's because they're the best thing that happened to kids lit since Shel Silverstein. That's a fact.

I love those movies. I really do. The sets, the effects, the imagination! They're just about everything one can ask for in a movie. A big screen summer movie. Really!! When big V battles Dumbley-door at the end ... and the fire snake attacks! I was giggling like a kid. The villain in this one, UMBRIDGE, was extra hate-able. Especially since she looked like Laura Bush. WEIRD! Liberals! GAH!

Another thang. Seeing movies by yourself is fun. There were a lot of loners there, too. Including hot doctor guy in scrubs. He was probably just a resident of sorts, but it was charming to see a handful of twenty-somes, like myself, take the time out to see HP. I enjoyed the experience. And 11 year olds smell. The one sitting next to me had a nice enough disposition but smelled like stale.

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