Thursday, July 26, 2007

"You must feel so good about yourself to have all these things!"

NYT tells me there's a witch of a girl who's ruining the grammar of privileged American children (I say privileged, because, face it, the NYT wouldn't cover the problem unless it had something to do with the richies. The only time we see anything about the poors and reading is when it's discovered that they're either really stupid and can't pass state tests, or are surprisingly passing those said state tests. but I digress) Considering I don't have a child, this may not seem relevant. But I loved this quote from this little girl:

“My dad doesn’t like the grammar,” said the Bartells’s youngest, Mollie, 9. “And I guess that’s important, because maybe when you grow up and you’re at work and you say, ‘I runned,’ people will get annoyed at you.”

Girl's got a point. I hate people with bad grammar. But I have a sneaking suspicion that a good dose of kiddie lit, even with bad grammar, doesn't hurt. As long as elsewhere, the kid hears the correct usage of the word. No?

The girl said something else funny, too.

“I’m also not allowed to watch R-rated movies, but nobody is these days.”

I love when kids use phrases like "these days." Phrases they no doubt get from their annoying parents who won't let them indulge. Let the kids see boobs! Let the kids hear swears! Cause face it, they're gonna see it anyway.

Side note: the title quote is taken from "La Dolce Musto" this week. Said by Chita Rivera.

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